Learn More: Coalition Partnership Empowerment Project

Application Tools

Coalition Partnership Empowerment Frequently Asked Questions

If two coalitions are in the same zip code, can they both apply? 

Yes, they both can apply with the following conditions.

      • Both apply with a Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding to collaborate with each other
      • They have one or both of the following stipulations:
        • One coalition works exclusively with a unique population (i.e.-Spanish speaking, LGBTQI+, etc.)
        • Coalitions serve different geographic areas (i.e.-school district within the zip code, cover multiple zip codes, cover a portion of the zip code, etc.)

Can two coalitions share a 501c3? 

For the DFC application, no. However, for the COPE application, two coalitions may apply with the same 501c3 on the condition that these coalitions will have separate 501c3’s by January 1, 2024.

What will happen if the coalition members you select can no longer attend the CADCA trainings? 

We ask that you select other coalition members to attend in their places.

Will you need to pay back the $25,000 if your coalition is selected for a DFC grant? 

No, your funding will not be recouped based on the results of your DFC grant application.

What will happen if you do not meet the project goals?

If you do not meet the project requirements, such as attending trainings with the provided funding, then your funding will be reviewed and possibly recouped by ARORP.

Can COPE applicants apply for other ARORP projects?

There is no limit on the number of applications organizations and counties can submit.

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Office of the State Drug Director