Hot Springs Police Department receives Opioid Recovery Grant check from the Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership
[Hot Springs, Arkansas] Prior to the City of Hot Springs Board of Directors meeting on Jan. 17, the Police Department (HSPD) was presented a check for $411,338.24 from the Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership (AORP).
HSPD was one of the first agency recipients of the federal Comprehensive Opioid Grant in 2021-22, and the department is now the first grant recipient from the state’s opioid recovery funds. The grant is divided into two portions, with more than $400,000 over two years to cover the salaries of Peer Recovery Specialist Sean Willits and Opioid Investigator Cpl. Jesus Anaya. The second grant is in the amount of $25,000 a year to provide free Narcan, the lifesaving drug given to opioid overdose patients.
The HSPD opioid recovery program is considered the model program for Arkansas. The state adopted HSPD’s reporting techniques for the statewideprogram.