15,000 naloxone kits available for state, local law enforcement agencies at Camp Robinson

by Will Langhorne | Today at 12:36 p.m. | Link to original article

Local law enforcement agencies in Arkansas are set to receive a total of 15,000 kits of naloxone, a medication capable of rapidly reversing opioid overdoses, state officials said Thursday.

Police officers and sheriff’s deputies from around the state came to Camp Joseph T. Robinson in North Little Rock on Thursday to pick up the free lifesaving medication. The kits also will be available Friday at the distribution site.

“It is so important that we have this. [Naloxone] has saved countless lives over the last four or five years,” said Kirk Lane, director of the Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership, while speaking at the distribution site.

The naloxone kits, which cost a total of $675,000, were purchased using funds from an opioid settlement case. The distribution was organized by the Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership and state agencies including the Arkansas Department of Human Services, Arkansas State Police and the Arkansas National Guard.

“We want to continue to make sure every law enforcement agency and individual has the tools and the resources they need to help keep our communities safe,” Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said. “I wish this wasn’t something that we were dealing with, but as long as we are, we are going to continue to help give our teams the resources they need.”

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