John 3:16 Ministries expands housing in Independence County

[June 16, 2023] On Friday, representatives from John 3:16 Ministries accepted a check for $2,357,912.10 from the Arkansas  Opioid Recovery Partnership. The Partnership, a collaboration between the Association of Arkansas Counties and the Arkansas Municipal League, distributes opioid settlement funding to Arkansas cities and counties based on stipulations of the settlement.

With this funding, John 3:16 Ministries will build a facility to provide 40 additional beds for men in recovery in Independence county. The new building will also feature a multipurpose room for visitation for families, educational classes, life skills classes, marriage counseling, Narcan trainings, and opioid prevention classes. The funding goes towards materials; all labor will be completed by John 3:16 Ministries’ residents.

At any given time, John 3:16 Ministries currently houses around 220 residents in their 6-12 month program, completely free of charge. They have been in operation for 20 years, and their program is growing. Each Sunday, staff report interviewing 15-20 potential new residents in need of care. This project will allow John 3:16 Ministries to house up to 260 men per year.

Construction will begin this summer and is projected to end in May of 2024.

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